Hikmat Ajjuri
In recent history, there had been no elections that had been followed so closely by the whole world than the latest Israeli elections on 17 March2015.
It is a world´s curiosity on the fate of Netanyahu, the most arrogant and fabricator politician known in the history of Israel.
He against the interest of his own country, waged a war on the American president, Obama, whom with all sincerity caters for Israel and its security more than this arrogant Israeli Prime minister does. Addressing the American congress and spying on the secret American Iranian talks for a personal glory is Netanyahu’s style of insulting America and its president.
Netanyahu, won his four elections by the votes of the brain washed, Israeli victims of the fear and anxiety, hatred and despair, which he has sown amongst them during his so far 9 years in office. The HAARETZ, newspaper compared these right-wing voters to a battered woman constantly returning to her abusive husband.
In 1992, then MK Netanyahu claimed that within three to five years Iran would have a nuclear bomb and argued that this was the greatest threat to Israel.
“Netanyahu claimed that Saddam, also had biological and chemical weapons, (he didn’t) and warned that the moment the United States attacked, Saddam would launch these weapons, against Israel and most interesting of all – he predicted that Saddam’s fall would have a particularly positive effect on the entire region, and might even lead to the fall of the regimes in Iran and Libya. (HAARETZ. 8/3/15)
In 1996 he won his first elections on a manifesto of destroying the Oslo agreement allegedly before it destroys the state of Israel. This manifesto, which was published in 1993, has no doubts incited towards the assassination of the only visionary Israeli politician, the Late PM. Rabin. On 17 January 2002: Netanyahu told Jack Katzenell from the Associated Press, “Palestinian state must never be established and that Yasser Arafat must be overthrown”.
His racial nature which became clear on the eve of his election when he made a last-minute appeal to his supporters to go to the polls to counter a high turnout among Arab Israelis. This nature was also affirmed when he salutes a rabbi who supported a work on the laws of killing non-Jews. (Sefi Rachlevsky, Apr.23, 2013)
On the other hand his fabricated nature became clear when vowed he would never allow the establishment of a Palestinian state, “Indeed” if get elected there will be no Palestinian state. A vow that contradicts his 2009 Bar-Ilan speech on the two states living side by side.
In 1997, Late Sharon told Netanyahu (then PMO) “a liar you were and a liar you have remained”. Some liberals and Democrats viewed a politician with these credentials as a dangerous demagogue, a view that makes Netanyahu unfit to be entrusted as a partner for peace in the Holy Land.
Netanyahu for the coming 4 years in office will do everything to perpetuate the current status quo, which means more misery and more losses of innocent, Jewish, Christian and Muslim lives in the Holy land and beyond.
The UN enforcement of a resolution under chapter 7, to materialize the two states solution, in the Holy land, based on the International law, is the only effective tool not merely to settle peace in holy land but to defeat terrorism. Because Palestine, which is occupied by Israel is a state, that houses the holiest Christian and Islamic places.
In reality, it is all in the hands of the noble laureate, President Obama. But the big question, is, whether he is able to transform into deeds the words told by former US secretary of state Dean Acheson” The UN. Charter was a condensed version of American political philosophy.”
Ambassador of Palestine
Article first appeared on 30 -03-2015: http://www.publico.pt/mundo/noticia/netanyahu-o-demagogo-perigoso-1690753