Statement by PLO Secretary General Dr. Saeb Erekat’s on Mr. Trump’s Statement regarding Occupied East Jerusalem

Mr. Trump’s statement shows disregard for international law, longstanding U.S. foreign policy regarding the status of Jerusalem, including the Occupation and illegal annexation of Occupied East Jerusalem, as well as hundreds of millions of Arabs, including Palestinians Christians and Muslims. His statement also neglects the calls made by millions of US citizens for peace between Israel and Palestine based on freedom, justice and equality. Previous statements delivered by his adviser on Israel show a total abandonment of the two-state solution, international law and UN resolutions, and underscores the urgency of President Abbas’ call at the General Assembly for the international community to bring an end to the occupation and salvage the two-state solution before it is too late.

Obama Patron of Occupation or Peace


Hikmat Ajjuri

The U.S. military aid agreement, signed on the 14th of September, which grants Israel ($ 38 billion) is considered the largest sum in the history of the two countries’ relations.

This grant unless counterbalanced, is so far perceived as the last nail hammered in the coffin of peace in the Middle East by Obama, in his last weeks, as president of the United States. This grant is a donation, from each American tax payer (definitely by force) of 300 dollars a year, for a period of ten years. Because the Americans are in short of this sum to improve their public education and health systems.

In response to this very generous agreement, a well-known Israeli political analyst and a journalist, Gideon Levy, argued on the 18th of August saying that, Obama is “Patron of the Occupation” and a “bad president of Israel” (Haaretz, 18 Set. 2016). Because in simple words, this huge amount of money does not strengthen the security of Israel but it strengthens its status as an above the International Law country.

Since it has come into being in 1948, Israel received financial and military support, from  all western countries and more than any other known country in the world.

The western countries created Israel to protect their own interest in a region (Middle East), known to be the richest in natural resources and geopolitics. Israel since 1973 has received 100 billion dollars from America alone.

Consequently, Israel has become one of the strongest militarily countries in the world, strong enough to deter and combat all its neighboring countries with its at least 200 nuclear warheads.

Over the past 8 years since Obama moved to the White House, Israel has enjoyed a license to kill by Obama’s administration, blatantly proven in its three wars against civilian Palestinians in Gaza. Most of the victims were women, children and civilian infrastructure.

Ironically, in return and on record, President Obama was insulted by the same Israeli leadership more than any other American president.

Netanyahu, Openly, supports a different candidate, and addressing the congress against him and his chief spokesman called Obama “anti-Semitic”.

No one doubts the intelligence of a president whom against all expectations won, the elections twice, mindful of the nature of the American Society.

On the other hand and against the rules of the committee he was granted the most prestigious Noble Prize only because of his intelligence and charm.

The question here is whether this President “Obama” has tricked everyone including myself because we believed in him. Otherwise and before he leaves to his new mansion in Washington DC. in January next year, would he be brave enough to counterbalance the afore mentioned grant, by granting the Palestinians the sovereign, independent and viable state side by side with the state of Israel. So, his teenage beautiful daughters as well as all teenage Palestinians be proud of him as then he goes in history as Patron of peace.

Article first appeared on 22.09.2016:


Trinta e quatro anos já passaram desde o massacre de Sabra e Shatila nos campos de refugiados palestinianos em Beirute em meados de Setembro de 1982. Os palestinianos, desde então, comemoram esse massacre no dia 16 de Setembro de cada ano (o massacre ocorreu durante 3 dias) com muita dor e tristeza, exactamente como fazem com outras 29 massacres cometidos contra eles desde a criação do Estado de Israel pelas mãos dos Sionistas. A longa lista de crimes inclui os massacres infames em Deir Yassin, Kufr Qasem, Tantoura, Lida, Al Dawayima, Qibya, Sa’sa e Abu Shusha.