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No seguimento das indicações dadas pelo Ministério dos Negócios de Estrangeiros da Palestina e ciente do risco que o COVID-19 representa para a saúde pública, a Missão Diplomática da Palestina irá suspender o atendimento presencial por tempo indeterminado como medida de contingência. O atendimento passa a ser feito exclusivamente por meios alternativos, não presenciais. Para o efeito, deverão ser utilizados contacto telefónico: 213621098 ou o e-mail: Agradecemos a Vossa compreensão.


على أثر تفشي فايروس الكورونا، وحرصاً منّا على سلامتكم وصحتكم، فلن تقوم سفارة دولة فلسطين في البرتغال باستقبال الزوار في مبنى السفارة حتّى اشعار آخر، وذلك بناءً على تعليمات وزارة الخارجية والمغتربين الفلسطينية. لإتمام معاملاتكم، على المراجعين الاتصال بالسفارة عبر القنوات المتاحة، على الهاتف: 213621098 أو على الايميل:

About the Ambassador

Dr. Nabil Ahmad Abuznaid



  • Ambassador – Head of Mission, Palestinian Mission to Portugal – Lisbon, May 2017 – Present.
  • Ambassador – Head of Mission, Palestinian Mission to the Netherlands – The Hague, 2009 – 2017.

Dean of the 16 Arab Ambassadors to the Netherlands, 2013 – 2017.

Lead representative in submitting the Palestinian application to the International Criminal Court (ICC), by making Palestine the 123rd state to sign the Rome Statute.

Lead a successful lobbying campaign in The Hague in March 2016. Resulted in the support of overwhelming majority of representatives of states for Palestine’s bid to become a member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA). Palestine subsequently became the 118th Member State of the PCA.

  • Chrgé d’Affaires, Palestinian Mission to the USA – Washington DC, 2008 – 2009.
  • Deputy Head of Mission, Palestinian Mission to the USA – Washington DC, 2004 – 2007.

Member of the Palestinian Delegation which participated in peace talks in Annapolis in November 2007.

Formulated and delivered lectures on conflict resolution at prestigious American universities as well as on Capitol Hill.

Utilized media exposure gained from major television channels and newspapers to push the conversation on Palestine forward.

  • Advisor to the late Chairman Arafat.

Worked closely with Chairman Arafat and the Palestinian leadership on American affairs and the peace process that led to the Oslo agreement.

  • Advisor to the Chairman of the Board of Trustee, Director of International cooperation & Lecturer of Political Science, Hebron University, Hebron, Palestine, 1992 – 2003.


  • PhD, International Relations, Warsaw University, Warsaw, Poland, 1998.

Dissertation – Palestine from confrontation to negotiations.

  • Masters of Science, Political Science, Howard University and Georgetown University Consortium, Washington DC, USA, 1982.
  • Bachelors of Science, Political Science, James Madison University, Harrisonburg VA, USA, 1979.


  • Born in Dora – Palestine in 1954.
  • Married to Rola Yousef , 3 children: Ahmad, Adam and Mariam.

Our Mission

The Diplomatic Mission of the State of Palestine in Portugal, in addition to representing the interests of the Palestinian community in Portugal aims to:

  • Strengthen the already good relations between the state of Palestine and the republic of Portugal; government, community, media outlets and all those who believe that the Israeli military occupation of the state of Palestine should end.
  • Keep the Portuguese public informed on relevant developments and awareness of the issues that continue to challenge our people under Occupation.
  • Provide academic and professional information and research on Palestine to enrich knowledge and understanding of the region and the nature of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
  • Build as many bridges as possible between the state of Palestine and the Republic of Portugal at all levels through understandings and agreements in every possible field; trade, tourism, research etc.
  • Benefit from our shared, Portuguese and EU human values to strengthen the resolve of the Palestinian people to achieving their overall goal for self-determination and to materialize the internationally endorsed two states solution as a means to bring a long and lasting peace in the Holy Land and the rest of the region.