Dr. Saeb Erekat: “Freeing the State of Palestine by ending the Israeli occupation is vital to the security and stability of the whole region and beyond, including Europe”

Dr. Saeb Erekat, Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the PLO, strongly condemned the hateful Israeli campaign against Swedish Foreign Minister, Margot Wallstrom in response to her legitimate calls to open an investigation into Israel’s extrajudicial killing of Palestinian civilians.

 “Israeli incitement against Ms. Wallstrom is coming from the Israeli government and political parties, highlighting Israel’s attitude that its partners are only those that allow Israel to be a state above the law.”

 Dr. Erekat called on the Israeli government to invest its time and effort to peace rather than to criticizing international law and devoting its efforts to prolonging the occupation.

Regarding the upcoming conclusions of the European Union’s Foreign Affairs Council, Dr. Erekat said: “We support all efforts aimed at bringing protection to the Palestinian people and accountability for the crimes committed against them. We also welcome greater engagement from Europe.”

Dr. Erekat continued: “We call upon the European Union to uphold to its responsibilities in order to protect and promote human rights and international law. Countries that undermine a common policy towards Palestine, by continuing to treat Israel as a state above the law, should abide by their own obligations under this framework.”

 Dr. Erekat concluded, “Freeing the State of Palestine by ending the Israeli occupation is vital to the security and stability of the whole region and beyond, including Europe.”

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